The research team of professors Catherine Hudon and Maud-Christine Chouinard

The V1SAGES approach is intended for policy makers, managers, clinicians, and research teams who want to improve the care of people with complex needs and the efficiency of the health care system.

“The V1SAGES team works with and for patients. Together, we improve their quality of life.”

Véronique et André, patient partners

The V1SAGES approach

Professors Catherine Hudon and Maud-Christine Chouinard developed the V1SAGES approach with their research team and partners. Supported by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and the Unité soutien SSA Québec, this approach is intended for decision-makers, managers, clinicians and research teams in the health and social services network and on the front line.

The goal of the approach is to better coordinate and personalize the complex care trajectory of people who frequently use health services, as well as to improve their care experience and health, the teamwork of professionals and the efficiency of the health and social services system.

The approach includes web-based training modules, standards of care and clinical tools that are evidence-based and on the cutting edge of the latest case management and care navigation practices, and change management support.

To learn more about the V1SAGES approach

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